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Going up to the pass between Val Prino and Valle Impero, a crossroads between connecting paths and via del sale, you reach the strip of woods and meadows, above the olive groves, which in winter are highlighted by snow. Towards the Impero Valley, you can see the village of Lucinasco and, on the other side, the villages of Cesio, Torria and Chiusanico, all with sea views.

Going down a little, towards Lucinasco, you come to the first stop of the Acquarone widespread museum, with a small box near the road, with lavender plants in the surroundings.

Towards Val Prino the road plunges into the landscape of the olive grove and the dry stone walls of the Conca d’oro around Vasia and Dolcedo, with well-tended grove plants, in a magical atmosphere.



  • ridge path (via del Sale)
  • mountain bike trails from Vasia to PrelĂ  Castello and Patasina
  • Shortly before arriving at the chapel of the SS Nome di Maria, on the pass, you cross the road to Villa Viani and Bestagno, which descends towards Imperia
  • Visit olive groves and taste oil in Lucinasco
  • Taste different Pigato, Vermentino and Ormeasco

To visit:

  • In Lucinasco: historic village, widespread Acquarone museum, small lake and church of S. Stefano
  • In Dolcedo: historic center, large bridge, building with loggias on the top floor.

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