Bonfigliara, Ranzo
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In the middle of the Arroscia valley, in a place suspended between the olive groves and vineyards of the most suitable area for Pigato (a characteristic Ligurian vine), in a clear atmosphere, you can see the sparkle of the sea looking towards Albenga, while in the opposite direction you can see the mountains of the Ligurian Alps, with snow for most of the year.

In this particular place in the summer evenings are organized musical evenings and events, such as “Calici di stelle”. A network of paths connects the valley floor with the high villages, towards the ridge. On the opposite side the wood cover is dense, while the position and the microclimatic characteristics of the left bank allow viticulture and mountain olive growing, with postponed harvesting compared to the Imperia valleys.


Routes and places to visit:

  • Many pedestrian paths between the vineyards between Ranzo and Bonfigliara (Sentiero delle Vigne), horseback riding is also possible
  • in the highest part, from Aquila d’Arroscia (seat of the territory museum, with archaeological educational laboratory) there are several paths and trekking towards Piedmont and the Pennavaira valley (from Colle di San Giacomo) and up to the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri (path of transhumance)
  • In the companies and cellars you can taste the wines and typical products, such as the garlic of Vessalico (ancient festival on 2 July)

To visit :

  • In Borghetto the church of San Pantaleo (with the frescoed portico) and the Roman bridge
  • in Gavenola oratory of S. Giovanni Battista (Milizie celesti)
  • ruins of the castle of Aquila
  • historic center of Vessalico

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